How to Measure Up
How we measure our sizes:
For a decal which is more wide than tall, we measure our size by width in mm (millimeters), left to right of the decal as follows in this diagram:
For decals which are more tall than wide, we measure our size by height in mm (millimeters), top to bottom of the decal as follows in this diagram:
To avoid confusion, each advert will only advertise one dimension of either width or height as appropriate to the shape of the decal. If you wish to know more dimensions for any specific size, please do get in touch via messages with the item part-number* and we will let you know any further dimensions or details that you need.
Some decals are round, for example racing roundels, and their size is shown by diameter, which is the width of the circle.
*part-numbers are 8 digit numbers separated by a hyphen, for example 1234-5678, these can be found on each product.